Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

The Story of a Bamboo Tree

Hey all, today I wanna post about the story. This is a syimbolic story, this story is tell about how Allah work to our life so make us became better person  in the sight of Allah. Oke guys...want to know the whole of story so...let's chek this out. Here is the story :

A beautiful piece of bamboo growing in the yard of a farmer. This bamboo stems grow tall towering among other bamboo stalks.

One day, came the farmer who owns the bamboo tree.
He said to a bamboo pole, "O bamboo, Do you agree if I use you as a drain pipe, which is very useful for irrigating my field ?"

The Bamboo rod answered, "Oh of course I want if it will be useful for you, sir. But tell me what would you do to make me into the water pipe."
The farmer replied, "First, I'll cut you to separate you from your clamp.
Then I will throw your branches that can injure people whom holding you. After that I'll cut you apart in accordance with my needs. Finally I will get rid of bulkhead in your stem, so that water can flow smoothly.
When I'm done with my work, you will be the pipeline that will drain the water to irrigate my rice field so the paddy that I planted grow flourishing.

Hearing this, the stems long silence ..... , Then he said to the farmer, "Sir, I would feel very sick when you cut me down. It certainly will be hurt when you throw my branch, even more sick again when you broke my beautiful steam, and definitely irresistible when you dredge up the inside of my body to get rid of bulkhead. Would I be strong through all the processes , sir? "

Farmers said to that bamboo rods, "O bamboo, you must be strong through it all, I chose you because you are the most powerful of all stem in this grove. So calm down."

Finally the bamboo sticks give up, "All right, sir. I wanted to be useful for you. It's me, cut me, do it according to what you want."

After the farmer finished with his job, beautiful bamboo sticks that used to decorate the home yard of the farmer, has now turned into water pipes to irrigate the rice fields that can flourish and bear much paddy fruit.

Have we ever think the problems that come and go endless, Allah is being process us to become beautiful in front of Him ? Just like the bamboo sticks, we are being forged, Allah is making us perfect. He was throwing all the pride and our character that are not pleasing to Him. But do not worry, we definitely will be strong because Allah will not give us burden which we could not endure, like what has mentioned in Al-Qur'an verse ( 2 : 286 ) with the translation :“Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope......”. So, do we surrender to the will of Allah, let Allah free to work within us, to make us better person in front of Him?

Like the bamboo sticks, let us say, "Here I am Allah, do it in accordance with which You prefer.

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2 komentar:

  • papa johns vouchers says:
    14 Juli 2010 pukul 12.38

    Oh wow amazing story. I like different type of story. Moreover this story is between bamboo and farmers. Here one thing define very niche which is farmers tells all the things related to his life to Bamboo. Really nice post.

  • life skills coaching says:
    23 Agustus 2010 pukul 14.56

    Well, This story is between a farmer and a Bamboo tree. Means this story is between amazing nature and a person. The flow of the story is marvellous. I like the words which are using by the Bamboo tree.

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